Pizza Art

We started an art contest in the mid-1980s and have continued the tradition every few years or so since then. We now have over 300 pieces of Zachary’s pizza art from the past three decades! The winning artwork decorates the walls in all five of our restaurants. We love the art and the artists and are excited and honored to be able to share some of the art on our website!

The Zachary’s Art Contest 40th Anniversary Edition is happening now until April 23rd! Click HERE for more information!

Picked Fresh Daily

Picked Fresh Daily


Kelly Lee Avery

Vitamin Z

Vitamin Z


Danny Hauck

Big Hair, Big Pizza

Craig Mcintire



Lynn Smull



Wesley Jensen


Zachary's Atlas

Kevin Brown


Timeless Pizza

Birthe Lauvdal


Phases of Pizza

Ryan Pera


Besides my everyday fascination with the universe, galaxy, the solar system, the moon, and the sun, my piece, titled “Phases of Pizza”, was inspired from watching my nephew put in work, like a real artist, when push comes to shove, with two days to work before the deadline of this contest. While waiting to be seated at the College Ave location, my nephew eagerly asked me if I had a piece of paper and a pen. I did, since I never leave home without my small sketchbook and pen. His ideas were flowing. Everyone loves pizza, I mean everyone… but to witness a kid, at the age of eight, not wanting to finish his pizza, only because he wanted to win his first art contest (with the prize of more pizza and having his artwork hang on the walls), was honestly my true inspiration through making this piece.

Editor’s note: Ryan’s nephew, Jalen, was also one of our winners! See our blog about Ryan and Jalen for more information.

Precious as a Pearl

Naumi Emoto, 13 years old


Zachary's Cranes

Lindsey Rosellini


SOLD in our 2018 Art Sale and Fundraiser!

Red Bike on Campus

Red Bike on Campus


Carolyn Jaegar

The Pizza of Your Dreams

Raquel Royal


Sir Zachary

Leo Gould, 11 years old


30 Years of Out of This World Pizza

Ian Ransley



Ian Ransley is a single of father of two Zachary’s-loving boys. Ian is a Berkeley native and a professional graphic designer. He splits is time designing Zachary’s posters and designing for professional sports teams and events including the NHL Winter Classic and the NFL Super Bowl among many other events. He is a dual-citizen of the U.S. And Great Britain. Growing up in a British home he never had pizza so Ian can’t get enough of it now. Ian annoys his two sons using them time and again in many of his art projects. You can check out some of Ian’s work (and more of Zachary’s posters) at

Take Me to Your Pizza

Nadira Berman, age 9


Best Slice

David Seiler





Chuck Waite

Zachary's Heavyweight Champion

Chuck Waite


Le Meillure en Ville

Robin Gilas


One With Everything

Tom Galvin